If you have been left out of a Will or have not been provided for adequately, Galbally & O’Bryan’s Wills and estate team can assist you with expert advice and representation.

Disputing a Will can be complex, distressing and time consuming. It is important to seek legal advice as soon as possible as strict time limits apply to making a claim. We will help you obtain your entitlement by guiding you through the process with understanding and sensitivity.

Wherever possible we aim to resolve disputes through negotiation, which avoids the cost and ordeal of going to court. We offer free, no obligation advice by phone and/or a first meeting to explain your rights and obligations. We usually act on a ‘no win – no charge’ basis.

Helping families with Wills, probate and estate admin

Our Wills and estate team can also help you make a new Will or review an existing one to ensure it best reflects your wishes. We can advise on the role of an executor and guide you through all aspects of estate administration, family/testamentary trusts, applications for a grant of probate or urgent letters of administration where there is no Will.

Contact Us

Or call us on 03 9200 2533


The information on this website is of a general nature only and may not reflect recent changes to certain areas of law. It should not be relied upon as a substitute for discussing your situation with a qualified Wills and Estates legal practitioner. Contact us for more information.